9 Ottobre 2024

Legal English – Peter’s Pills – Lesson 80 – Securities




With reference to company law, what exactly do me mean when we speak about “securities”?

Securities (titoli) are financial instruments that represent an investment in a company. They provide investors with a claim on the company’s assets or profits. The most common types of securities are:

Shares (azioni): These represent ownership (la proprietà) in a company. When you buy shares, you become a shareholder and have a stake (si partecipa) in the company’s success. Note that people from the USA call shares “stocks”;

Bonds (obbligazioni): These are debt instruments that represent a loan to a company. The company is obligated to pay interest on the loan and repay the principal at a specified date;

Warrants: These are financial instruments that give the holder the right to buy shares in a company at a fixed price within a specified period.

Securities provide companies with the capital they need to grow and invest, while offering investors the opportunity to earn a return (ottenere un rendimento) on their investment.

Securities are traded (negoziati) on stock exchanges (borse valori), such as the London Stock Exchange;

The value of securities can fluctuate (fluttuare), meaning they can increase or decrease in price over time;

Investing in securities involves risk and there’s no guarantee that you’ll make a profit;

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) regulates the securities market in the UK to ensure fair and efficient trading.

Thank you very much, and see you next time for more Peter’s Pills to improve your legal English.

Read more on securities here: “Main Features of Securities” (.PDF).

L’articolo Legal English – Peter’s Pills – Lesson 80 – Securities sembra essere il primo su Federnotizie.

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