19 Settembre 2022

Esonero contributivo per le imprese in crisi che assumono dipendenti

Con la circolare del 7 settembre 2022, n. 99, l’Inps ha fornito le istruzioni per la gestione degli adempimenti previdenziali connessi all’esonero contributivo,…

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Legal English – Peter’s Pills – Lesson 56 – Rescission
28 Giugno 2023

Legal English – Peter’s Pills – Lesson 56 – Rescission

Rescission Transcript: Hello! Today we look at the meaning of rescission in the common law system. Please be careful. The meaning of rescission may be very different form the meaning in a civil law context. Rescission is not the same thing as cancellation. Rescission is the undoing of a...

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  Providing best solutions in a framework of a legal certainty.   dr. Gaetano d’Abramo has been working in the corporate and real estate field since 1990. For any request you can write direct... Read more