20 Dicembre 2023

Legal English – Peter’s Pills – Lesson 65 – Financial Reporting Words

Financial Reporting Words



Today we look at some essential words related to financial reporting tools.

Financial Statements (bilancio):

Financial statements are comprehensive (completi) reports that summarise the financial performance and position of a company over a specific period. They provide valuable insights (informazioni; spunti) for various stakeholders, including investors, creditors, and management.

Notes to the Financial Statements (nota integrativa):

The notes, or footnotes (note a piè di pagina), provide additional details and explanations related to the items presented in the financial statements (bilancio). They can include information about accounting policies, contingencies, and other relevant details that help users interpret the financial statements.

Balance Sheet (stato patrimoniale. NB: prestare molto attenzione a questo False Friend!):

The balance sheet is one of the financial statements and provides a snapshot (fotografia istantanea) of a company’s financial position at a specific point in time. It shows the company’s assets, liabilities, and shareholders’ equity. The basic accounting equation, Assets = Liabilities + Equity (Attivi = Passivi + Patrimonio Netto), is a fundamental principle underlying (alla base del) the balance sheet (stato patrimoniale).

Income Statement or Profit and Loss Statement (conto economico):

The income statement is another financial statement that shows a company’s revenues, expenses, and profits or losses over a specific period. It provides a summary of the company’s operating performance during that time frame (periodo).

Thank you very much, and see you next time for more Peter’s Pills to improve your legal English.


See more about the Financial Statements of a company here: “Financial Statements of a Company” (.PDF).

Legal English – Sommario delle Lezioni

Legal English – Peter’s Pills – Lesson 65 – Financial Reporting Words
Legal English – Peter’s Pills – Lesson 64 – Representations and Warranties
Legal English – Peter’s Pills – Lesson 63 – Machine translations
Legal English – Peter’s Pills – Lesson 62 – Legal Timelines
Legal English – Peter’s Pills – Lesson 61 – Liens
Legal English – Peter’s Pills – Lesson 60 – Test your Legal English
Legal English – Peter’s Pills – Lesson 59 – Appurtenent vs In gross
Legal English – Peter’s Pills – Lesson 58 – Building societies and Banks
Legal English – Peter’s Pills – Lesson 57 – Valid, void and voidable contracts
Legal English – Peter’s Pills – Lesson 56 – Rescission
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Legal English – Peter’s Pills – Lesson 51 – Contracts vs Deeds
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Legal English – Peter’s Pills – Lesson 49 – Transfer of shares vs transmission of shares
Legal English – Peter’s Pills – Lesson 48 – They, them, their for singular nouns
Legal English – Peter’s Pills – Lesson 47 – Jointly and severally
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Legal English – Peter’s Pills – Lesson 45 – Quotation
Legal English – Peter’s Pills – Lesson 44 – Gazumping and Gazundering
Legal English – Peter’s Pills – Lesson 43 – English words that the English do not understand
Legal English – Peter’s Pills – Lesson 42 – Easement vs Profit à prendre
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Legal English – Peter’s Pills – Lesson 24 – Fixed charges vs Floating charges
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Legal English – Peter’s Pills – Lesson 20 – The closing statement
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Legal English: Peter’s Pills – Lesson 8 – Guardianship
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