7 Giugno 2023

Legal English – Peter’s Pills – Lesson 55 – Golden expressions

Golden expressions



Today we look at a few common business and legal expressions that contain the adjective “golden”. When we use “golden” it gives the idea that something is fortunate, favourable, prosperous, or abundant. For example

Golden handshake: This is generous financial compensation or a severance package (accordo di liquidazione) that is given to a senior executive (dirigente) or employee upon their departure from the company.

Golden parachute: It is a financial arrangement that guarantees substantial benefits or compensation to top executives in the event of a takeover (acquisizione) or merger (fusione), often including stock options (opzioni azionarie) and other perks (vantaggi).

Golden share: This refers to a special class of shares that gives its holder (possessore) special rights and privileges, such as veto power or additional voting rights, usually held by a government or controlling entity.

Golden rule: It is a fundamental principle of business ethics that states, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” This emphasises the importance of treating others fairly (equo) and ethically.

Golden opportunity: This means a favourable or advantageous situation that presents significant potential for success or profit in business. It is a great opportunity to follow.

Golden handshake agreement: This is a formal agreement between an employer and an employee specifying the terms and conditions of a financial compensation package upon termination or retirement.

Golden handcuffs (manette): This refers to generous financial incentives, such as stock options (opzioni azionarie) or bonuses, designed to discourage employees from leaving a company or making it financially very difficult for them to do so.

Golden visa: This is a residency permit or citizenship programmes offered by some countries to encourage substantial investments in the country’s economy, typically attracting high-net-worth individuals (individui ad alto patrimonio netto).

Golden rules of accounting: These are the basic principles and guidelines that govern the recording (registrazione) and reporting (comunicazione) of financial transactions, ensuring (garantendo) accuracy, consistency (coerenza), and transparency in financial statements (rendiconti finanziari/bilancio).

Golden dividend: This is a special dividend payment declared by a company over and above (oltre) its regular dividends, usually as a result of exceptional profits or successful business performance.

Thank you, and see you next time for more Peter’s Pills to improve your legal English.

Read more about other colour economic idioms here: “Translating economic colour idioms as a way of developing cross-cultural economic discourse“.

Legal English – Sommario delle Lezioni

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